Meta-analizando el COVID-19

InfluScience STI 2022 COVID-19

Durante el periodo de pandemia del COVID-19, vimos un crecimiento exponencial en el numero de artículos sobre el COVID-19. Tal crecimiento en el numero de artículos nos pone en la necesidad de realizar además una revisión altmétrica de las principales contribuciones al respecto diferenciando por las tipologías documentales de mayor evidencia científica. Os dejamos con el artículo: Does the type of study on Covid-19 influence the value of Altmetrics?

«More than half of the News mentions are not analyzed because period studied is very recent, while volume of information about Covid-19 is high. Scientific evidence Pyramid is well reflected by the Altmetric Attention Score. At the forefront we find Consensus development conferences & guidelines, given their great utility in a period of such uncertainty about the pandemic and the fact that they are usually backed by international organizations.
Consensus development conferences are a way to bring together citizens, decision-makers and experts to address issues of public importance. Involve a series of experts who deliver scientific evidence on a subject. This category is followed by Clinical trials, at the peak of the pyramid of scientific evidence, since their results are highly valid and it can be considered the flame of scientific knowledge. Behind these two are the Systematic reviews and Meta-analyses, with similar values.
On the other hand, Systematic review attempts to gather all available empirical research by using clearly defined systematic methods to obtain answers to a specific question. A meta-analysis is the statistical process of analyzing and combining results from several similar studies. Reviews, in addition to their educational component, are hypothesis generators, which is very important to analize a new topic such as Covid-19. The lowest values in all the altmetrics were Case reports; although they are useful to start a clinical investigation, is the base of the pyramid. The graphic trends of Twitter mentions and the Altmetric Attention Score are nearly identical, due to AAS collects the 95% of Twitter mentions.
We can conclude that altmetric in biomedical research, specifically in the covid research front, could be highly determined by the type of study, and that altmetric can capture the utility or altmetric at attention marker.»


Valderrama, P. & Torres-Salinas, D. (2022). Does the type of study on Covid-19 influence the value of Altmetrics?. 26th International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators (STI 2022), Granada, Spain.

Por Wenceslao Arroyo Machado

Investigador posdoctoral en la Universidad de Granada y COO de EC3Metrics