Analysing the relation among disciplines through the use of doctoral theses. The case of television, radio, cinema and photography in Spain

Library Catalog Analysis and Library Holdings Counts: Origins, Methodological Issues and Application to the Field of Informetrics

Mapping the backbone of the Humanities through the eyes of Wikipedia

A neural blockchain for a tokenizable e-Participation model

Measuring the excellence contribution at the journal level: an alternative to Garfield’s impact factor

Altmetrics, alternative indicators for Web of Science Communication studies journals

Exploring how student motivation relates to acceptance and participation in MOOCs

What Drives Students’ Loyalty-Formation in Social Media Learning Within a Personal Learning Environment Approach? the Moderating Role of Need for Cognition

Independent publishers and social networks in the 21st century: the balance of power in the transatlantic Spanish-language book market

Wikinformetrics: Construction and description of an open wikipedia knowledge graph data set for informetric purposes