The “Tokenization” of the eparticipation in public governance: An opportunity to hack democracy

Measuring the excellence contribution at the journal level: An alternative to Garfield’s impact factor

Empathy, inter-professional collaboration, and lifelong medical learning in Spanish and Latin-American physicians-in-training who start their postgraduate training in hospitals in Spain. Preliminary outcomes

Gender-based stereotyping in the Spanish artisan sector

Disentangling gold open access

Science through Wikipedia: A novel representation of open knowledge through co-citation networks

Twitter and human trafficking: Purposes, actors and topics in the Spanish-speaking scene

Exploring WorldCat identities as an altmetric information source: a library catalog analysis experiment in the field of Scientometrics

Altmetrics at institutional level: Visibility on the web of the scientific production of Spanish universities from

Forestry development, water scarcity, and the mapuche protest for environmental justice in chile